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Creating Your Ideal Relationship

Creating Your Ideal Relationship-How to Find and Achieve the Love You Say You Want

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The live six-week  eCourse began March 2nd, 2014, however all course materials and presentations have been archived so you can begin the eCourse anytime.  

In a 75-year study, one of the longest-running longitudinal studies of human development, Harvard researchers uncovered the one true key to a happy existence: love. Lead researcher Dr. George Vaillant even concluded that relationships are the only thing that really matters. He wrote that there are two essential ingredients to a happy and fulfilling life: “One is love. The other is finding a way of coping with life that does not push love away.”

Many of us may be unsurprised that science would back something we all sensed within our hearts. However, most people find it difficult to develop and sustain a loving, fulfilling relationship, and many couples struggle with fears of intimacy and closeness. People do lifelong training in so many things, yet somehow, there is this backward belief that we don’t have to work at being a loving person; it should just come naturally. In this multimedia workshop, Dr. Lisa Firestone will guide you on an enlightening journey that explores what it means to become a loving person and the actions that go into making love last a lifetime.

Learning to love means becoming more mindful and aware of the ways we defend ourselves against painful childhood experiences, creating barriers in our current relationships to optimal loving. In this progressive six-week course, participants will gain insights and learn invaluable relationship-building tools through features that include: videos from psychology experts, interactive presentations, self-reflective journal exercises, live Q and A sessions and reading assignments. They will learn methods for overcoming the barriers that lie within and enhance their capacity for loving and being loved. In this course, you will learn tools to develop yourself in your relationships. These include:

1.Defining Love
2. Understanding Partner Selection
3. Recognizing How and Why We Defend Against Love
4. Identifying and “Challenging Your Critical Inner Voice”
5. Distinguishing Real Love From a Fantasy Bond
6. Becoming More Loving

Any questions about this eCourse? Email us at [email protected]
Or call (805) 681-0415 Monday-Friday 9:00AM-5:00PM PST

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